[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22SELF LOVE%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%22Community Love & Leadership%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0},{%22value%22:%22April 8, 2022%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:1}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#fbac31″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

CA CAMP Statewide

Student Leadership Conference
Welcome and thank you for attending the CA CAMP Statewide Student Leadership Conference hosted by CoolSpeak & Mendocino College CAMP.

This will be an opportunity for our CAMP Scholars from across California to meet, support, encourage and get to know one another during these trying times. Utilizing a mix of virtual platforms including YouTube and Zoom, we will come together for an unforgettable, empowering, and enlightening experience that will prepare our CAMP scholars to excel on our campuses and in our communities.

[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Day 2%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%22Saturday, April 9, 2022%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#160000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

Opening Session

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Welcome & Keynote

Hosted By: Natasha Carrizosa
Natasha Carrizosa | CoolSpeak
A welcome session designed to give you an understanding of the purpose and structure of the conference. Come get to know the speakers, facilitators, and other CAMP Scholars you will be working with over the course of the next two days.
Keynote By: Manuel Guerra
Manuel Guerra is the Executive Dean of Student Development and Learning Resources at Chemeketa Community College. Manuel has direct oversight of Library and Learning Resource, Student Accessibility Services, Testing Services, Tutoring and Study Skills, Student Retention and College Life, Student Equity and Intercultural Programs and College Access Programs.

Group Activity

[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Saturday, April 9, 2022%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%229:50 am – 10:15 am%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

“Network = Networth”

Facilitator: Tim Stafford
  • Take the time to learn this information from the folks in your group
  • Exchange as much contact information as you’re comfortable sharing (social media, email, cell, etc)
  • Connect with the folks in your group as often as you would like but FOR SURE ABOUT THEIR IMMEDIATE and MID RANGE GOAL(s)

Workshop 1

[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Saturday, April 9, 2022%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%2210:20 am – 11:10 am%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

“No More Sophomore Slump”

Facilitator: Tim Stafford
Getting into college is a remarkable accomplishment. Staying there can be the hard part. Nearly 1/3 of students drop out at the end of their freshman year. How can we make sure we don’t become a part of that statistic? In this workshop, we will discuss the pitfalls some students fall into and how to avoid them. We will also work on strategies to help us refocus and be prepared so we can crush the sophomore slump!

Workshop 2

[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Saturday, April 9, 2022%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%2211:15 am – 12:05 pm%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#FFFFFF” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

“Reflect and Respond: An Action Plan to Show First Year Who’s Boss”

Facilitator: Angela Vivar-Romero
Grab a hold of your first year. Whether it was smooth sailing or you’re in need of some hope and motivation to stay the course, this workshop will challenge you to self-reflect, learn from the setbacks, make a plan, and respond accordingly. There is a lesson in every bump in the road and it is our human ability to come back even better because of it. Invest an hour to map out your first-year comeback.
[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Lunch Break%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%22Go Grab Food, Take a Break%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0},{%22value%22:%2212:10 pm – 1:10 pm%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:1}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#fbac31″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]
[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Virtual Dance Party%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%221:15 pm – 1:25 pm%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#160000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

“Virtual Dance Party”

Featuring: DJ Eko
During these virtual dance party breaks, and yes we expect some dancing to take place, dancers with the best moves will win a prize or two for showing off their moves. Finding a dance partner will earn you some bonus points too!
[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Keynote%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%221:30 pm – 2:20 pm%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:1}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#fbac31″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

Speaker, Dreamer & Success Guide

Speaker: Lilyan Prado-Carrillo
Lilyan Prado Carrillo migrated to the United States from Guatemala when she was four years old. Raised solely by her father, J. Luis Prado, Lilyan has always understood the importance of education. Her father, who often worked two jobs to support the family, instilled in Lilyan the examples of hard work and perseverance that ultimately led her to go to college.
[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Mini Break%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%222:25 pm – 2:30 pm%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0},{%22value%22:%22Take 5!%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:1}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#160000″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

Workshop 3

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“Challenging the Imposter Syndrome”

Facilitator: Lilyan Prado-Carrillo
The imposter syndrome is real. We’ve all heard the little voice inside our head, and we weren’t quite sure what it was or whose voice it was. Guess what?? It’s our own!! We’ve been conditioned so well; we’ve learned to negative self-talk and allow our thoughts to be distorted. So, let’s call it what it is and challenge the voice from within. The imposter syndrome tells you “You aren’t good enough, you aren’t smart enough, you aren’t worthy enough to set the goals you set for yourself, to work towards the life you want, or to enjoy the good that comes to you without guilt.” By naming this voice, we take its power, and we learn to challenge what it says by speaking truth to power over ourselves! Come learn how to not think like an imposter! We deserve what we work for.

Closing Session

[dfadh_heading_anim fancy_text_anim=”type-letter-slide” fency_text_list=”%91{%22value%22:%22Saturday, April 9, 2022%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1},{%22value%22:%223:30 pm – 4:00 pm%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:0}%93″ _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_level=”h2″ title_text_align=”center” title_font_size=”40px” t_infix_font=”|700||on|||||” t_infix_text_color=”#fbac31″ global_colors_info=”{}”][/dfadh_heading_anim]

Closing Session

Hosted By: Natasha Carrizosa
Join us during the closing session as we celebrate the end of day 2 and look toward an amazing future!

This session will include:

  • Recap of the Day
  • Day 2 Prize Drawing.
  • Closing Remarks.
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Friday, April 8, 2022

© CoolSpeak. All Rights Reserved.

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