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Erika Allison” image=”https://coolspeak.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/cs-erika-allison.jpg” caption=”Rev. Erika Allison” ic_button_button_url_new_window=”1″ _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”https://coolspeak.com/youth-motivational-speakers/erika-allison/” global_colors_info=”{}”][/difl_imagecarouselitem][/difl_imagecarousel]


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Share if you know these CoolSpeak vibes:
☀️ Summer camps where students writing, dreaming, and leading
🤣 Keynotes where everyone is unified by laughing and crying at the same time
💫 Workshops for educators, parents, and families who share the common goal of students finding joy and success
If you feel this message and are looking for ways to pay for your college dreams... Check out The McDonald's HACER National Scholarship Program (link in bio).

Don't miss this chance to make your dreams come true. More than $5 million has been awarded to Hispanic students across the country. Will you be next? 💰

Up to 30 outstanding Hispanic students will earn money for college: 
💰 Tier 1 recipients will be awarded up to $100,000
💸 Tier 2 recipients will receive $20,000 or $10,000
💵 Tier 3 recipients will receive $5,000

You can go from dream chaser to dream maker! We want to hear the dreams you could reach with the HACER National Scholarship.
⬇️ Comment below with your dreams ⬇️

#HACERmore #Scholarship #MoneyForCollege #CollegeApplication #CollegeScholarships #Seniors #CollegeAccess #Hispanic #HispanicScholars #College #Youth  #CollegeBound #FirstGeneration #HACER #HACERscholarship #McDonalds #McDonaldsScholarship #GEARUPworks #TRIOworks #HEPCAMP #MigrantEducation
Joining the CoolSpeak team of @joaquinzihuatanejo, @zachgowen & @joeynegron109 at GEAR UP West?

Earn CoolSpeak swag by commenting below why #GEARUPworks in your community and showing your comment at the booth.

Remember to ask about exclusive deals, enter to win a free keynote, and check out sessions!!!
Thank you to everyone at #NCAN2023 who connected with CoolSpeak!!!

Our team appreciated everyone who joined a CoolSpeak conference session, showed love during @joaquinzihuatanejo’s poetry, made a connection with @joeynegron109 at our booth, showed up for our evening event, or just stopped @carlosojedajr in the hall to chat.

#collegeaccess #bettermakeroom #educationalequity #academicsupport #youth #highered #collegereadiness #educator #professionaldevelopment #conference #facilitator #ncan
Who is with CoolSpeak at the Annual NCAN Conference?

To earn free CoolSpeak swag, stop by our booth and show the team that you left a comment sharing why you care about student access and success!

Remember to ask about exclusive deals, enter to win a free keynote, and check out sessions:
➡️ @carlosojedajr Monday @ 1:30 in Reunion F
➡️ @joaquinzihuatanejo Tuesday @ 1:15 in Reunion F

Sometimes, the people we celebrate for #HispanicHeritageMonth are celebrities when often it should be our families.

Today and every day… not just before October 15th marks the end of Hispanic Heritage Month… take time to celebrate your heritage. Share legacies, knowledge, and love with each other. 

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month from our @coolspeak family!!! 

#HHM #HispanicPride #HispanicLegacy #HispanicSpeaker #Mexican #Speaker #Educator
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MJ is fantastic! We have booked him twice to work with our Scholars, both in-person and virtually. Our program prepares students for graduate education, and MJ provides them with the tools to grow financially as they move beyond their undergraduate careers. His workshops are engaging, energetic and he knows how to keep our students engaged. I highly recommend you add his services to your college student success programs!”

Dr. Audra K Hernandez; Director, McNair Scholars Program
University of Wisconsin-Madison

“Your discussion covered all the bases and exceeded expectations; the scholars were also quite impressed with the music video. The work that you do is meaningful and impactful, especially to our first-generation and low-income students. Your relatability and simplicity in approach to financial wholeness are appreciated.”

Dr. C Chisholm, Director McNair Scholars Program
Rutgers University

“Timon’s message of “go to school” really gives students the key to their freedom, to their success, and to experience their own unique success.”

Arne Ayala, Principal
Ontario Montclair School District

“I’ve learned that even at your learned that no matter how much darkness you go through, your always going to light. Never give up and always believe in yourself, stand your ground, and watch where you’ll be/become. Timon is so inspiring and hearing his story made me get emotional and really think about things. A ton of kids take things for granted and it’s honestly really sad. What one kid has, another kid doesn’t.”

Middle School Student Leader
California Association of Student Leaders Conference
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