Ernesto Mejia | CoolSpeak

Ernesto Mejia

“I am my parent’s American dream!”

Speaker & Parental Engagement Expert

Ernesto Mejia, the proud son of Mexican immigrants, embodies the American dream with his unwavering commitment to empowering families, students, and educators across the country. 

After overcoming the challenges of Guillain-Barré Syndrome at 16, which temporarily left him paralyzed, Ernesto defied the odds as a first-generation college student, earning a Master’s degree and rising to the role of College Dean of Students. 

Ernesto’s deep-rooted belief in the power of education and communication has allowed him to travel across the country as a bilingual speaker and facilitator delivering engaging and impactful learning experiences to thousands of students, families, and educators.

His journey of resilience and perseverance fuels his work as a co-founder of CoolSpeak, where family engagement and student success are at the core of his mission, emphasizing the keys to achieving the American dream.

Ernesto Mejia | CoolSpeak


Ernesto speaks on a variety of topics, in English or Spanish, including but not limited to:

  • Family Engagement & Communication
  • First-Generation Student Empowerment & Readiness
  • Professional Development for Engagement & Culture
  • Migrant education, ELL & Bilingual Education
  • Team Building & Student Leadership
  • Resilience & Overcoming Adversity

9.6 out of 10 Audience Rating


“Both students and teachers were moved by your presentations because you touched their hearts. Most importantly, many teachers felt a change in energy (positive) as soon as they walked into the auditorium.”

Gabriella Maldonado, Ed. S. Assistant Principal, Abraham Lincoln High School
Gabriella Maldonado, Ed. S.

“Ernesto, I wish I could tell you more about how influential your speech was to me. Keep doing what you do, it’s truly amazing.”

Valeria Solorzano Student
Valeria Solorzano

“Ernesto inspired me to give my best and be my best to make a better me but to make my parents proud.”

Joselyn Flores Student
Joselyn Flores

“I definitely enjoyed the presentation from Ernesto! It gave me a different perspective on what I can use to push me as a person not only in my education but overall in my life. He was an awesome speaker.”

Student Truckee Meadows Community College

“I absolutely loved his presentation because it hit home. He’s the type of guy that he can really connect with you because of what he’s been through it, and I like the way he includes his audience. Overall I would recommend him to anybody because he can really motivate anybody.”

Staff Truckee Meadows Community College
Ernesto Mejia | CoolSpeak

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